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Undergraduate Nanotechnology Course

Curriculum to be completed by students from 2010/1 to 2017/2

Location: College of Undergraduate Education - Xerém Code: 3903020000


Maximum term for payment at UFRJ: 12 segment (s)

Recommended duration at UFRJ: 8 segment (s)

Minimum number of hours (CNE): 2400

Duration in years (CNE):

Minimum: 3
Average: 0
Maximum: 0


Completion Work: None

Developed in Partnership: no

Has Examining Board: no

Paid: no

Coordination data


Registration: 09987969720 C.H .: DE

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Type: Face-to-face

Official Denomination: Nanotechnology - X

Situation: Active

Additional information

Creation: Resolution s / n of 08/06/2009 published in the Internal Bulletin of UFRJ on 07/23/2009

Recognition: not informe

Approval Curriculum: Process 023239 / 2008-25 of 07/01/2009 published in the Internal Bulletin of UFRJ on 01/07/2009

Target Public: not informed

Observations: The proposal to create the undergraduate course in Nanotechnology with emphasis on Physics and Bionanotechnology, in Xerém, from 2010/1, forwarded by the units: Institutode Física, Escola Politécnica, Instituto de Macromoléculas and Instituto de Biofísica CEG on 07/01/2009 and by CONSUNI on 06/08/2009 (proc. 023239 / 2008-25). The discipline LEF 599 - Study of Brazilian Sign Language I can be taken as an Academic Option of Free Choice. The Provisional Collegiate of Xerém approved, on 03/14/2014, the exchange of codes of academic activities for the Campus of Xerém.

Adress (es):

Xerem Road, 27
Park Barão do Amapá - Duque de Caxias - RJ

Phone (s): uninformed

1st period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBT118 Cell Biology  6.0 90 0 0  
XMT118 Differential and Integral Calculus I  6.0 90 0 0  
XQM111 General Structural Chemistry  2.0 30 0 0  
XQM114 General Chemistry I  4.0 60 0 0  
XTD073 Introduction to Nanotechnology  3.0 45 0 0  
XTD111 Great Themes in Biology 4.0 60 0 0  
Total Credits 25.0  


2nd period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBQ118 Macromolecule Biochemistry  4.0 30 60 0  
XCP124 Computer Programming I  3.0 30 15 0  
XFS111 Experimental Physics I  1.0 0 30 0  
XFS112 Physics I - A.  4.0 60 0 0  
XMT128 Differential and Integral Calculus II  4.0 60 0 0 XMT118 (P)
XMT118 = MAC118

XMT118 = MAC113
XMT118 = MAW121
XMT118 = MCG115
XMT118 = MAW111 + MAW121
XMT118 = MAE111
XMT118 = MAW111
XMT118 = MAC114

XQM120 General Chemistry II - Iq 4.0 60 0 0 XQM114 (P)

XQM114 = IQG114

XQM121 Organic Chemistry I - Iq 2.0 30 0 0

XQM111 (P), XQM114 (P)
XQM111 = IQO127
XQM111 = IQO111
XQM114 = IQG114

Total Credits 22.0  


3rd period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XFS121 Experimental Physics II  1.0 0 30 0 XFS111 (P), XFS112 (P)

XFS111 = FIS111
XFS112 = FIW121
XFS111 = EEW111
XFS112 = FIT112
XFS112 = FIS112
XFS112 = FIT113
XFS112 = EEW110

XFS122 Physics II - A.  4.0 60 0 0 XFS112 (P), XMT118 (P)

XFS112 = EEW110
XFS112 = FIT112
XMT118 = MAC118
XFS112 = FIT113
XMT118 = MAE111
XMT118 = MAC113
XFS112 = FIT111

XGB125 Molecular Genetics I  4.0 60 0 0  
XMA353 Structure of Solids  4.0 60 0 0 XFS122 (P), XQM114 (P)

XQM114 = IQG114
XQM114 = IQG111
XFS122 = FIT122
XFS122 = FIT121

XMT125 Linear Algebra II  4.0 45 15 0  
XMT238 Differential and Integral Calculus III 4.0 60 0 0

XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAC124
XMT128 = MAC128
XMT128 = MCG234
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAW116 + MAW231
XMT128 = MAW231
XMT128 = MAC123

XQM231 Experimental Chemistry - Eq 2.0 0 60 0

XQM114 (P)
XQM114 = IQG115

XQM232 Organic Chemistry II - Iq 2.0 30 0 0

XQM121 (P)
XQM121 = IQO121
XQM121 = IQO124
XQM121 = IQO129
XQM121 = IQO127

Total Credits 25.0



4th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBQ129 Bioenergetics and Metabolism 6.0 60 60 0

XBQ118 (P)
XBQ118 = BMW118
XBQ118 = BQM118

XFS231 Experimental Physics III 1.0 0 30 0 XFS121 (P)
XFS121 = EQE112
XFS121 = EEW121
XFS121 = EQW111
XFS121 = FIS121
XFS232 Physics III - A. 4.0 60 0 0

XFS112 (P), XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAC124
XFS112 = FIT112
XMT128 = MAC123
XFS112 = EEW111
XMT128 = MAC128
XFS112 = EEW110

XMA061 Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp 2.0 0 60 0  
XMA240 Introduction to Polymers 2.0 30 0 0  
XMT248  Differential and Integral Calculus IV  4.0  60  0 0

XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAC123
XMT128 = MAW116 + MAW231
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAC124
XMT128 = MAC128

Total Credits 19.0  


5th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XFS240 Physics IV - A. 4.0 60 0 0

XFS230 (P), XMT238 (P)
XFS230 = FIW241
XMT238 = MAC233
XMT238 = MAC234
XFS230 = FIM230
XFS230 = FIM231
XMT238 = MAE231
XFS230 = EEL330
XMT238 = MAC238
XFS230 = EEW230

XFS241 Experimental Physics IV 1.0 0 30 0

XFS230 (P), XFS231 (P)
XFS230 = FIM230
XFS231 = EEL330
XFS230 = EEL330
XFS231 = EEW231
XFS230 = EEW230
XFS231 = FIN231
XFS230 = FIW241
XFS230 = FIM231

XTD053 Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec 3.0 30 15 0  
Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 10.0  


6th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0  


7th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0



8th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0  


Optional Courses (Restricted Choice)




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


Complementary Ativ Group
XTDX01 Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX02 Intr Research Nanotec: Physics 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX03 Intr Research Nanotec: Materials 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX04 Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry 2.0 0 90 0  
Credits to be paid


Elective Courses (Conditional Choice)




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


BQMK01 Support in Biochemistry 2.0 0 72 0  
Credits to be paid 0.0  


To be entitled to the degree and diploma, the student must fulfill at least:

Curriculum item


Minimum hours

Compulsory Disciplines 99.0 1665 
Supplementary Curricular Requirements 0.0 0
Disc. Compl. Restricted Choice 8.0 360
Disc. Compl. Conditioned Choice 0.0 0
Disc. Compl. Free Choice 0.0 0
Total 107.0 2025

Curriculum Equivalence Equations

[132275]: XQM114 (General Chemistry I) = IQG114 (General Chemistry I)

[132276]: XQM111 (General Structural Chemistry) = IQO111 (General Structural Chemistry)

[132277]: XMT118 (Different and Integral Calculus I) = MAC118 (Different and Integral Calculus I)

[132278]: XBQ118 (Macromolecule Biochemistry) = BQM118 (Macromolecule Biochemistry)

[132279]: XFS111 (Experimental Physics I) = FIS111 (Experimental Physics I)

[132280]: XFS112 (Physics I - A.) = FIT112 (Physics I - a)

[132281]: XQM120 (General Chemistry II - Iq) = IQG120 (General Chemistry II - IQ)

[132282]: XQM121 (Organic Chemistry I - Iq) = IQO121 (Organic Chemistry I - IQ)

[132283]: XCP124 (Computer Programming I) = MAB124 (Computer Programming I)

[132284]: XMT128 (Different and Integral Calculus II) = MAC128 (Different and Integral Calculus II)

[132285]: XGB125 (Molecular Genetics I) = CFB125 (Molecular Genetics I)

[132286]: XMA353 (Structure of Solids) = EET351 (Structure of Solids)

[132291]: XFS122 (Physics II - A.) = FIT122 (Physics II - a)

[132292]: XQM231 (Experimental Chemistry Eq) = IQG231 (Experimental Chemistry EQ)

[132293]: XQM232 (Organic Chemistry II - IQ) = IQO231 (Organic Chemistry II - IQ)

[132295]: XMT238 (Different and Integral Calculus III) = MAC238 (Different and Integral Calculus III)

[132296]: XMT125 (Linear Algebra II) = MAE125 (Linear Algebra II)

[132297]: XFS232 (Physics III - A.) = FIM230 (Physics III - A)

[132298]: XFS231 (Experimental Physics III) = FIN231 (Experimental Physics III)

[132301]: XMT248 (Calculating Differences and Integral IV) = MAC248 (Calculating Differences and Integral IV)

[132302]: XMA240 (Introduction to Polymers) = MMP240 (Introduction to Polymers)

[132303]: XFS240 (Physics IV - A.) = FIM240 (Physics IV - a)

[132304]: XFS241 (Experimental Physics IV) = FIN241 (Experimental Physics IV)

[132347]: XTDX01 (Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec) = NANX01 (Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec)

[132348]: XTDX02 (Intr Research Nanotec: Physics) = NANX02 (Intr Research Nanotec: Physics)

[132349]: XTDX03 (Intr Research Nanotec: Materials) = NANX03 (Intr Research Nanotec: Materials)

[132350]: XTDX04 (Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry) = NANX04 (Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry)

[132351]: XTD111 (Great Themes of Biology) = CFB111 (Great Themes of Biology)

[132352]: XBT118 (Cell Biology) = CFB118 (Cell Biology)

[132353]: XTD073 (Introduction to Nanotechnology) = EQI073 (Introduction to Nanotechnology)

[132357]: XBQ129 (Bioenergetics and Metabolism) = BQM129 (Bioenergetics and Metabolism)

[132358]: XMA061 (Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp) = MMP061 (Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp)

[132360]: XTD053 (Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec) = EEI053 (Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec)

[132685]: XBT118 (Cell Biology) = BMB118 (Cell Biology)

[133135]: XFS121 (Experimental Physics II) = FIS121 (Experimental Physics II)

[133137]: XFS240 (Physics IV - A.) = FIN241 (Experimental Physics IV)

About Us

IMA – Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária – Av. Horácio Macedo, 2.030
Centro de Tecnologia – Bloco J
CEP 21941-598 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil


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